Online Casino Edition – Casino News News about online casinos and gambling

April 6, 2014

5 Reasons Why People Love to Gamble Online

Filed under: Casino — Tags: , — OCE News @ 8:53 am

Different things make different people happy. One of those things is gambling online. Why is it so much fun? Probably because even though you know you’re playing against a computer, it provides a great deal of satisfaction if you can successfully beat it.

No matter if the game is poker, slots, or blackjack; you’re playing against either technology or a person, depending on the game. In general, people can’t seem to get enough of it. But why?

Here’s the top five possible reasons why people love to gamble online:

1. People are eager and hopeful for the outcome

Although people base their happiness on many different things every day, a professional online gambler bases their happiness on a game that could go in any direction. Let’s face it – it’s hard enough to bluff your opponent sitting at the same table. But, think how hard it is if you can’t even see them. You can’t pick up on their body language, how much there sweating, or their facial expressions. The unknown is exciting.

2. Gambling gives people something to do

Not only is there a chance of winning a lot of money, gambling online keeps people busy. Many people actually make their money back, but for those who don’t, gambling is a time investment. They love the thrill of the game and it keeps them occupied both day and night when they have extra time on their hands.

3. Gambling is a thrill

Most everyone who’s ever won money gambling can tell you in detail how thrilling it was to win their first jackpot. For some it can be addictive. They try to recapture that moment again and again. There’s always the chance they might hit it big.

4. Players honestly believe they will hit the Jackpot

Many people spend a great deal of money and time gambling in casinos because they honestly believe they are the ones that will hit the huge jackpot. It’s that hope that keeps them going. For some, it gets them up in the morning. Everyone has a different outlook on money and how to attain it. Gambling is just one of those ways.

5. People see other people making a lot of money gambling

In 2012, some of the most successful casino players online made tens of millions of dollars. Therefore, it’s easy to see how any poker player is striving to earn a few million dollars, which is exactly why they are playing. They are playing for one reason and one reason only, to become the best player online and bank as much money as they can.

So, there are many positive aspects to gambling online as well as negative. As long as you can play responsibly and keep it fun there is no reason why you shouldn’t play as often as you like. Gambling online is a hobby just like anything else. But like anything else, it’s up to you to determine how far you can go and how much you can spend. Before you even start to play determine how much money you can or will spend. Once you hit that target, you’re done. That’s simply being responsible.

April 4, 2014

Two Steps Forward One Step Back: What’s New in Gambling?

Filed under: Casino — Tags: , — OCE News @ 8:52 am

According to most religious traditions that include the concept of a god, gambling is considered a deadly sin. This belief stems from the notion that the gambler is committing crimes of hubris in trying to bypass the will of God. In some countries that have very strong fundamentalist religious beliefs gambling is still prohibited as morally wrong. In our western folk literature the gambler has been seen as an outlaw, a mischief-maker. The activities around gambling have been seen to take place in dark and shady circumstances. Criminal activity and gangsters have been associated with the dark world of the casino. Legal prohibition against gambling derived from the same source as prohibition against alcohol.

What’s new is that gambling laws have been liberalizing very rapidly in North America. The increasing public perception is that gambling is recreation. Ideas about responsible gambling have been promulgated in the press much as ideas about safe and responsible alcohol use have shown up in the media and advertising. Gambling casinos have been coupled with some of the best entertainment venues in the nation adding to the perception of gambling as a wholesome pastime.

Part of what happened, of course, is that governments have discovered the tax revenue potential of gambling and gambling casinos. Gambling is seen as a painless tax, enabling governments to raise revenue without instituting real taxes. In many cases gambling has enabled state and municipal governments to move out of what had seemed inescapable deficit. Gambling has also been a boon to charitable organizations who often sponsor gambling events, no longer limited to Bingo as they once were. New casinos are opening in Atlantic City, New York, Maryland, Ohio, North Dakota and elsewhere. Kentucky lawmakers are working on an expansion of gambling in their state.

Although the liberalization of gambling laws continues apace, the fight goes on in many places as well. Saratoga, New York recently took a stand by passing a resolution to keep gambling casinos out of their county in spite of the New York State law that permits gambling. Part of Saratoga’s motivation, of course, is to prevent casinos from competing with Saratoga’s very profitable horse race gambling business. Pennsylvania casinos have seen a decline in revenues for the first time since 2006 when the state opened up casino gambling. Other jurisdictions such as Ohio and Florida have seen a leveling of gambling revenue.

What’s really new is the increased liberalization of on line gambling. A few governments such as Washington, DC., Nevada, and Kentucky are set to institute large scale on line gambling. Online gambling does pose special problems because minors and youth can not easily be barred from it. As online gambling expands, much concern has been expressed about gambling addiction among youth. Keith Whyte, executive director of the National Council on Problem Gambling estimates half a million teenagers have gambling addiction problems in the United States. Whyte advises that as states join the liberalization of on-line gambling laws they should be conducting studies of the effects on youth gambling addiction. As governments maximize revenue from gambling, Whyte says, governments should take steps to minimize social costs.

April 2, 2014

Boston Mayor Making Irish Stew Over State Casinos

Filed under: Casino — Tags: , — OCE News @ 8:34 am

In an apparent last minute attempt to block the awarding of casino licenses in Massachusetts, newly elected mayor Boston Mayor Martin Walsh is now interested in having some influence over the introduction of casinos to the Boston area.

Two cities close to Boston, Everett and Revere currently have proposals on the table to bring state approved casinos to their city. Though they are not a part of the city of Boston, Walsh is making the case that the introductions of casinos there would directly influence the quality of life in the city. How? Because travelers going to these nearby cities would use Boston’s Logan airport, Boston’s roads and general transportation network to access the proposed casino sites. That infrastructure, Walsh maintains, supports many restaurants and other Boston businesses that can be used to lure potential gamers to Everett and Revere.

”The potential impact of casinos goes to the core of the quality of life in our neighborhoods … The people of Boston deserve the Democratic process.” Walsh said before the Massachusetts Gaming Commission. The request is to have Boston designated as a host city, therefore allowing Boston’s citizens to have a direct vote as to whether the neighboring cities get final approval for casino construction. The casino interests, Wynn Resorts in Everett and Mohegan Sun in Revere, oppose this designation.

This is another obstacle created to add to the continued delay of casino construction throughout the state of Massachusetts. Though Massachusetts is the most educated state in the nation, the local powers that be do not seem to understand the economic windfall that awaits them by simply letting the process run its natural course.

Pennsylvania, which ranks 26th in education, saw the opportunity back in 2004 as they saw droves of its residents leave the state to go to Atlantic City. Now, residents of neighboring states come to Pennsylvania for gaming, which has prompted Ohio to begin construction of its own casinos. Other states have discovered the revenue potential and popularity of state run casinos and have knocked down barriers to advance their completion.

Massachusetts has virtually no competition in the New England area, with the only casinos operating in Rhode Island (1) and Connecticut (2). The largest of these casinos, Foxwoods, has consistently been reported to be in financial straits, having over-invested in its massive properties. That leaves Massachusetts primed for potentially making billions from state licensed casinos.

The gaming panel had set a June 30th deadline for awarding the casino license to one of the two cities, which has attached to it an $85 million licensing fee to be paid from the winner. The decision regarding designating Boston as a host city was planned to be made Wednesday. Now the entire timetable to award casino licenses in Massachusetts is in jeopardy as well as the $85 million.

March 31, 2014

A Historic Deal Merges Online Casino Gambling

Filed under: Casino — Tags: , — OCE News @ 8:34 am

On Tuesday Nevada and Delaware came to an agreement that let residents of each state compete against each other in online poker. Both of these states made the move to regulate online gambling last year, so this deal is very important.

This is a great opportunity for online gambling as a whole to make a progressive shift towards merging it’s player base. This means large expected increases in revenue as well as player retention, and many analysts think this could lead to more open regulations in other key states later on down the line.

Analyst Grant Sheridan called this deal “historic” and “a game changer.” Most online casino owners are claiming he’s right as well.

Arguably the most exciting part of this deal is that it left room to include other states in the future, as more begin to regulate online gambling. Having this drafted means that when other states are ready to join, they will be able to do so quickly and easily. Most analysts have predicted that when the projected increased revenues have officially been made, other states will make a move to join this network.

As expected, Nevada was the pioneer in opening an online casino towards the end of last year. Since then, New Jersey and Delaware have followed suit. New Jersey got off to a bit of a slow start rolling out their online gambling, but are now back on track and are confident they will meet expectations. Chris Christie said that the slow start was more about unrealistic expectations than underperformance.

This deal covers most of the key regulations that all states must follow, but each state does have some freedom to operate within this deal as well. For example, each state will have the ability to choose the stakes at their casinos as well as what games are offered.

This new deal means that online gambling will be making a shift towards becoming more common and accessible, and this is a great time to start learning if you are interested. It’s very possible that you will have the ability to have convenient, regulated, online gambling in your state relatively soon.

Among the games that will be made available are blackjack, roulette, craps, baccarat, keno, and of course, poker. Poker is one of the driving engines behind the online gambling movement, and it’s something that will be around for quite a long time.

It’s an exciting new time for online gambling. Regardless of what games you play, your ability to easily play what you love or try something new is about to get much easier.

February 27, 2014

Learn why online casino gaming is such a great and fruitful investment

Filed under: Casino — Tags: , — OCE News @ 4:16 am

It is not an understatement to say that online casino games have increased the popularity of casino gaming in general. The fact that anyone can now enter and play in a casino through a virtual portal has demystified and made more transparent the intricacies of casino gaming. It is no longer a thing that is exotic or strange, a thing that one sees wealthy elites enjoying in foreign locales.

Online casino gaming is now accessible to everyone. And as a result, everyone has joined in to play! There has never been a time when casino gaming was more popular. Everyone from pensioners to college students are now getting in the act, going online, and enjoying the wonderful world of online casino gaming. The numbers of people who have gotten into everything from poker to faro staggers the mind. It really does show that the something becomes known and more familiar to people the more they tend to want to find out more about it. In this case familiarity does not breed contempt, it breeds satisfaction.

Casino gaming has long been associated with wealth and an upper class status. What online casino gaming has done is brought the various games to the people. Online casino gaming has become popular because it has been modified, adjusted, and reformed in a way that makes it more palatable to popular tastes. Many sites still carry games that are run the exact same way as they are in traditional casinos. However, there are a great many sites that operate games which are modified to make them easier to play. This increases the fun and pleasure that anyone who wants to play a game for the first time is able to have.

Online casino games are operated in a context, the worldwide web, which allows for the substantial improvement of their entertainment value. At the end of the day, most people play casino games to enjoy a bit of leisure. There have been many innovations made to improve the graphics and increase the amount of pleasure that anyone playing casino games is able to get. This has been one of the major draws to casino gaming. It is not that it has anyway watered down the dynamics of any of the games, which can be quite pleasurable in themselves; it’s just that people are able to get great gratification from the various effects that have been added to the online versions of the games.

Online casino games are all over the Internet. It is not hard to find one that suits your interests and matches your tastes. It really is just a matter of looking for it. The great thing about online casino gaming is that it does not require a minimum deposit or wager in order to play. You can try a variety of different sites until you find the one that is right for you. Online casino gaming can be a great way to spend your time and effort. It can be a very pleasant and rewarding experience.

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